About Relational Insight

Relational Insight is a therapy service that will work with you in a sensitive way to establish hope and healing. Together we can navigate the feelings associated with Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Illness, Low Self-Esteem, Trauma and Low Self Worth.

Relatonal Growth Counselling Support Services - Relational Insight

David is passionate about healthy relationships and the mechanics of how we interrelate. In his own journey, David has navigated several challenges that have increased self-awareness and deepened his capacity for empathy. 12 years ago, David emigrated from South London, UK, to live in Australia. His family hail from West Indian origin and love their breadfruit, fried fish and football (aka soccer). David had the opportunity, in various roles, to support people of different ages and backgrounds.

David functioned in a caring role as a chaplain, working alongside medical professionals on medical, geriatric and palliative care hospital wards. As a student and intern chaplain in the high school setting, he learned how to support and motivate adolescents. David then took on a position working with foster children and their families, supporting young persons to overcome the effects of significant trauma, using evidence-based behaviour management strategies to find a way forward. More recently, David has been providing intensive case management, upskilling parenting capacity, and family restoration as part of a structured response to referrals from the Department of Community and Justice (DCJ). Skills and knowledge in attachment, developmental stages, trauma, and associated behaviours have been fundamental to this kind of role.

Relatonal Growth Counselling Support Services - Relational Insight

David completed Advanced Clinical Skills in Contemporary Gestalt Theory, qualifying him for private practice as a therapist. Gestalt Theory ignited a passion for relating to people in a structured and relational way.

What To Expect

David is registered with Gestalt Australia and New Zealand Association (GANZ) and Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and attends regular clinical supervision and professional development to meet the requirements of registration.

PACFA Membership No: 23684. GANZ Membership No: 312

Service Delivery

David offers therapy sessions on selected days in Sydney and Newcastle during office hours.

David also offers out of office access to therapy for client’s who cannot attend sessions during office hours. Please contact David for further information.

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